SaaS Template Using Sveltekit And Tailwind CSS

SaaS website
SaaS Template Using Sveltekit And Tailwind CSS Thumbnail


Introducing the SaaS Website Template built using Sveltekit and Tailwind CSS, the perfect solution for anyone looking to make a SaaS website. The website template is completely responsive i.e. it works on any device, it is fully typed with Typescript and beautifully designed using TailwindCSS 3. It has a beautiful home page with smooth animations, a fully fledged signup/login page, a pricing page with a detailed pricing table, a contact us page and, an about us page. This makes it really easy for you because it lays the strongest foundation for your new SaaS website. Under the hood, it uses SvelteKit as the primary meta-framework, Svelte for rendering, Typescript for type-safety, Tailwind CSS for styling, Fontsource as the font provider, Phosphor Icons as the icons library and Unsplash as the image library.


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Made with


Tailwind CSS

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Easily customizable
Clean, modern code allows you to customize this template your liking.
Abstracted into components
Tired of copy pasting? This template has all its sections componentised. No more Ctrl+C/V.
Delivered as .zip file
Includes all of the source files and the assets. ( Except node_modules ofcourse! )
Email support
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